AI-SAM: Automatic and Interactive Segment Anything Model

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


AI-SAM: Automatic and Interactive Segment Anything Model

Yimu Pan, Sitao Zhang, Alison D. Gernand, Jeffery A. Goldstein, James Z. Wang

[Paper] [BibTeX] [Demo]

The Automatic and Interactive Segment Anything Model (AI-SAM) is designed to streamline the process of generating segmentation masks for various classes automatically while support interactive user input. During its training phase, AI-SAM acquires the capability to produce both the point prompts and segmentation masks for each class, using only the segmentation masks themselves as learning targets.

In the inference stage, AI-SAM automatically generates a set of point prompts, along with the segmentation masks for each class. This feature facilitates a user-friendly interaction; users can directly modify the point prompts to adjust the segmentation masks as needed. Below is an overview of the entire AI-SAM pipeline: ai-sam


The detail analysis is in the paper. We present the main result table below: ai-sam-result


The code requires python>=3.8, pytorch>=1.7, and torchvision>=0.8.

You will also need the following packages.


Automatic Evaluation


Prepare the dataset following MT-UNet. Then, download the pretrained weight. Finally, you may run the following code to obtain the scores in the paper:

python eval_one_gpu.py --dataset acdc --use_amp -checkpoint [path-to-the-downloaded-weight] -model_type vit_h --tr_path [path-to-the-dataset-dir] --use_classification_head --use_lora --use_hard_point


Prepare the dataset following TransUNet. Then, download the pretrained weight. Finally, you may run the following code to obtain the scores in the paper:

python eval_one_gpu.py --dataset synapse --use_amp -checkpoint [path-to-the-downloaded-weight] -model_type vit_h --tr_path [path-to-the-dataset-dir] --use_classification_head --use_lora --use_hard_point

Automatic and Interactive Demo

Refer to this notebook for detail. AI-SAM will first generate a set of foreground and background points base on the class of choice and the user can modify the points base on the segmentation result.


  1. Add code for natural images.


This work is licensed under Apache 2.0 license.


If you find this work useful, please cite:

  title={AI-SAM: Automatic and Interactive Segment Anything Model},
  author={Pan, Yimu and Zhang, Sitao and Gernand, Alison D and Goldstein, Jeffery A and Wang, James Z},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03119},


The code is modified from MedSAM and SAM. We also used the LoRA implementation from SAMed.