
Vorpal Blade decapitates you!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Roguelike game written in BiwaScheme


cd vorpalblade
node server.js

then point your browser to http://localhost:8080


ympbyc the programmer                       Chaotic human hacker
The Dungeons of Doom: level 1
HP: 10(10) Level: 1 Xp: 0 Pw: 2(2) AC: 10 $: 0 available for hire

The project is about 10% complete.

Project composition

  • scm/ contains some code in biwascheme
  • lispy/ contains some lispyscript code that need speed
  • js/ contains compiled lispyscript code
  • lib/ contains js libraries: biwascheme, lispyscript, rot.js, mapper, and CLOS-JS
  • index.html is the main user interface
  • server.js is a server for development use
  • css/ and img/ contains stylesheets and images
