
Vanilla JavaScript challenge by @wesbos

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Vanilla JavaScript challenge by @wesbos


So @wesbos created this little vanilla javascript challenge so that you write vanilla js every day... whatevs I picked it up cuz it sounds kinda cool so here will be my progress.

01 JavaScript Drum Kit

started & completed: 9/12/2016 last updated: 9/12/2016

DEMO ONLINE 01 JavaScript Drum Kit

Very cool challenge. I started out myself, but consulted few steps with the video.

things I learned:
  • a little bit of html Media Element API (audio.currentTime)
  • kbd tag ;o
  • some es6 stuff (backticks - string templates, const/let, arrow functions)
differences from original solution
  • my buttons are significally uglier
  • I ADDED COWBELL!!!!!!!!!!

02 JS + CSS Clock

started & completed: 10/12/2016 last updated: 10/12/2016


That was pretty straightforward.

things I learned:
  • developer tools have cubic-bezier timing function editor - I didn't knew that, VERY cool!
differences from original solution
  • fixed weird seconds hand transition when starting new cycle

03 Playing with CSS Variables and JS

started & completed: 11/12/2016 last updated: 11/12/2016

DEMO ONLINE 03 JS + Playing with CSS Variables and JS

I already noticed that clearly wesbos does not give a fuck about M$ browsers and he pursues fairly modern web development practices. I stopped to wonder for a while if that's good or a bad thing but eventually I decided to stick with it as it is something I haven't experienced in my day job where I was to care about even poor IE11... so yeah let's learn all this shiny new stuff. This particular excercise got me checking caniuse all the time.

things I learned:
  • CSS variables have fairly good support in modern browsers; unfortunately not in Edge (14)
  • CSS variables are updateable from JS
  • CSS filters also have already pretty great support. Same goes for color input. Range input is supported even in IE11, I didn't know that.
  • NodeList has the forEach method for awhile now, very cool (in modern browsers... I checked Edge and unfortunately there is no support)
  • this.dataset ;o
  • CSS variables are scoped like normal css properties
differences from original solution
  • even though the code doesn't differ, the color input in my browser (ff) was not firing mousemove event, so color change in my case was not smooth. I see Safari handles it differently, but I won't investigate it further for now.

04 Array Cardio Day

started & completed: 24/12/2016 last updated: 24/12/2016

So it's basically a lesson about iterators like map, reduce, filter etc. Cool to see them in action.

things I learned:
  • I finally got reduce
differences from original solution
  • none

05 Flex Panels Image Gallery

started & completed: 13/01/2017 last updated: 13/01/2017

DEMO ONLINE 05 Flex Panels Image Gallery

I got my shit together after finishing classes and returned to this tutorials. Now I've finally picked up flexbox thanks to this lesson and I am doing pretty well so far. Excited with this cool technique. This time i've watched thorought the whole video without coding, then sat back and coded my solution.

things I learned:
  • fundamental flexbox concepts
differences from original solution
  • some minor differences