= Instiki Instiki is a wiki clone so pretty and easy to set up, you'll wonder if it’s really a wiki. Runs on Rails and focuses on portability and stability. Supports file uploads, PDF export, RSS, multiple users and password protection. Some use Instiki as a CMS (Content Management System) because of it's ability to export static pages. Instiki lowers the barriers of interest for when you might consider using a wiki. It's so simple to get running that you'll find yourself using it for anything -- taking notes, brainstorming, organizing a gathering. == Supported Platforms This fork is designed for deploying instiki to Heroku. I recommend using the real release version if you wish to run it anywhere else. Download the source at http://instiki.org/ Note for Heroku read-only filesystem: file uploads are disabled by default. == 5 easy Steps to get the Instiki on Heroku experience #!/bin/bash git clone git://github.com/lazzarello/instiki-heroku.git cd instiki-heroku heroku create git push heroku master heroku rake db:migrate === If you are on Linux You are already rad, you got this. Follow the 5 step program === If you are on Mac OSX Install git and heroku and follow the 5 step program. === If you are on Windows You may be screwed, but I don't know because I recommend running Debian GNU/Linux for everything except for entertaining yourself, for that I recommend MacOS X. === Backing up on Heroku. http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/pgbackups == Features * Regular expression search: Find deep stuff really fast * Revisions: Follow the changes on every page from birth. Rollback to an earlier rev * Export to HTML or markup in a zip: Take the entire wiki with you home or for reference * RSS feeds to track recently revised pages * Multiple webs: Create separate wikis with their own namespace * Password-protected webs: Keep it private * Authors: Each revision is associated with an author, so you can see who changed what * Reference tracker: Which other pages are pointing to the current? * Five markup choices: Markdown-based choices [http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax]: Markdown+itex2MML (the default; requires itex2MML) Markdown+BlahTeX/PNG (requires blahtex and a working TeX installation Markdown Textile [http://www.textism.com/tools/textile] RDoc [http://rdoc.sourceforge.net/doc] * Embedded webserver: uses Mongrel (if installed), or the bundled WEBrick webserver (if not). * Internationalization: Wiki words in any latin, greek, cyrillian, or armenian characters * Color diffs: Track changes through revisions * Runs on SQLite per default, can be configured to run on PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB2, Firebird, Openbase, Oracle, SQL Server or Sybase == History: * See CHANGELOG == Migrating from Instiki 0.11-0.12 to 0.16.3 rake upgrade_instiki == Migrating Instiki 0.10.2 storage to Instiki 0.11.0 database 1. Install Instiki 0.11 and check that it works (you should be able to create a web, edit and save a HomePage) 2. Execute ruby script\import_storage \ -t /full/path/to/instiki0.10/storage \ -i /full/path/to/instiki0.10/installation \ -d sqlite (or mysql, or postgres, depending on what you use) \ -o instiki_import.sql for example (Windows): ruby script\import_storage -t c:\instiki-0.10.2\storage\2500 -i c:\instiki-0.10.2 -d sqlite -o instiki_import.sql 3. This will produce instiki_import.sql file in the current working directory. Open it in a text editor and inspect carefully. 4. Connect to your production database (e.g., 'sqlite3 db\prod.db'), and have it execute instiki_import.sql (e.g., '.read instiki_import.sql') 5. Execute ruby script\reset_references (this script parses all pages for crosslinks between them, so it may take a few minutes) 6. Restart Instiki 7. Go over some pages, especially those with a lot of complex markup, and see if anything is broken. The most common migration problem is this: if you open All Pages and see a lot of orphaned pages, you forgot to run ruby script\reset_references after importing the data. ===Upgrading from Instiki-AR Beta 1 In Beta 2, we switch to ActiveRecord:Migrations. Therefore: 1. Back up your production database. 2. Open command-line session to your database and execute: create table schema_info (version integer(11)); insert into schema_info (version) values (1); 3. Go back to the shell, change directory to the new Instiki and execute "rake migrate". Step 2 creates a table that tells to ActiveRecord:Migrations that the current version of this database is 1 (corresponding to Beta 1), and step 3 makes it up-to-date with the current version of Instiki. == Download the latest release from: * http://rubyforge.org/project/showfiles.php?group_id=186 == Visit the "official" Instiki wiki: * http://instiki.org == License: * same as Ruby's --- Authors:: Versions 0.0 to 0.9.1:: David Heinemeier Hansson Email:: david[AT]loudthinking.com Weblog:: http://www.loudthinking.com[http://www.loudthinking.com] From 0.9.2 onwards:: Alexey Verkhovsky Email:: alex[AT]verk.info From 0.11 onwards:: Matthias Tarasiewicz and 5uper.net Email:: parasew[AT]gmail.com Website:: http://5uper.net[http://5uper.net] From 0.13 onwards:: Matthias Tarasiewicz and Jacques Distler Email:: instiki-devel[AT]rubyforge.org Weblog Jacques: http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/~distler/blog/ Weblog Parasew: http://parasew.com
a fork of instiki that runs on heroku. follows 80% use case worst practices to make the code quickly deployable..