
[DISCONTINUED] HipChat API specifications in Swagger YAML

MIT LicenseMIT


HipChat itself is discontinued by Atlassian due to their partnership with Slack.

This Swagger specification file is therefore no longer maintained, and goes archive. Thanks for your interest, though! ❤️


HipChat API specifications written in Swagger YAML.

Using Swagger (currently OpenAPI) specification 2.0.


Currently in development. Gradually hand-exported from official HipChat API documentations.

APIs other than extension related ones are mostly included already.

My intention is to use this Swagger interpreted API specs to generate HipChat client library for languages I am using (especially Elixir).

Mostly I am constructing API spec YAML using online Swagger Editor.


  • Meant to be used in generating client libraries.
    • Some strings are slightly altered for easier programmatic manipulations, like camelize or underscore.
    • e.g. "OAuth" -> "Oauth"
  • Cover APIs used in server side only.
  • Not all of API aspects are covered. Especially, many schema information are purposefully omitted.
    • Simply lacking efforts on my side. HipChat API docs are large and fine-grained.
    • Some APIs are omitted for simplified code generation; e.g. APIs requiring specific content-types.
    • Intending to rely on HipChat cloud/server's request validations, so that always latest and accurate validations can be applied.
      • If we try to apply client-side validations, we have to be very accurate about it, and must actively catch up on HipChat's API updates, which we cannot easily afford to.
  • Always welcoming helps.


  • As I mostly developing with online editor, files should be valid Swagger 2.0 specifications.
  • You can just clone or submodule this repository, and import spec files for code generations, either using:

