
jmorphism: A Java library for 2D Cage-based Image Transform

Primary LanguageJava


A Java library for 2D Cage-based Image Transform.

See a video of jmorphism in action

The input is an arbitrary polygon P (not necessarily convex) containing an image (image 1). The pixels of (image 1) change their positions, under the influence of the vertices of P.

jmorphism demo



Using this library

Given two polygons poly and polyT formed by a clockwise collections of vertices:

Collection<Vector2D> vertices  = (...)
Collection<Vector2D> verticesT = (...) 

Polygon2D poly  = new Polygon2D(vertices);
Polygon2D polyT = new Polygon2D(verticesT);

jmorphism can create a one-to-one correspondence mapping a point in poly to a point in polyT:

PolygonMorphism morphism = PolygonMorphismFactory.get(PolygonMorphismKind.Rigid, poly, polyT);

morphism is a structure preserving mapping. Two kinds of morphisms are available:

  • Rigid: Uses internally the generalized barycentric coordinates
  • ShapePreserving: Uses internally the Green Coordinates that lead to shape-preserving deformations

To compute the image of a point lying inside the polygon poly:

Vector2D p2 = morphism.map(p);//p2 is inside polyT


mvn clean install


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  1. Fork it and create a branch
  2. Hack it and Commit your changes
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  4. Send a pull request