
Scripts to extend Japanese language learning sites like WaniKani and Bunpro

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nihongo scripts

Scripts to extend Japanese language learning sites like WaniKani and Bunpro



Toggle Tense Tip

Greasy Fork release page

Automatically hides the tense tip on review and cram pages - press spacebar to toggle.

Built on top of Kumirei's Helpful Events and Wait For Selector. Draft toggle logic contributed by memosiki.


Regular Font Guru+

Greasy Fork release page

When reviewing items at guru level or higher, the font size is reduced to that of WaniKani's body text (14px)

The purpose of this script is to give you more practice reading Japanese in a font size you're more likely to find in the wild. We typically don't read much text at the huge font size of items in WaniKani's reviews, so this brings it down to the standard size of WaniKani's body text (14px or 0.875rem).

You can change the size by editing either waniKaniBodyFontSizeRem with a size in rem or font-size: ${waniKaniBodyFontSizeRem}rem; - just change the ${waniKaniBodyFontSizeRem}rem part to whatever size and unit you prefer.

More information on why can be found on the release page, as well as the WaniKani forum post, which also contains before and after screenshots.

Wrap-up Button Enhancement (Tofurky fork)

Greasy Fork release page

Allows custom wrap-up queue length (this fork: working backspace; enter/return to start wrap-up).

Built on top of Inserio's update to Mempo's original script.

Differences from Inserio's version:

  • backspace works
  • enter/return immediately starts wrap-up with the specified queue length and return to the answer input
  • up/down are no longer on-screen buttons*, but the up/down keys offer the same functionality

If your preference is for on-screen up/down buttons over backspace and enter/return functionality, I'd recommend installing Inserio's version (linked above), which will hopefully also fix backspace soon!

* the workaround to get a working backspace involves changing the input type from number to text, which removes these buttons

Lesson/review Explanation Width

Stylish release page

This is actually a stylesheet, but I didn't want to make an entirely new repo just for one stylesheet.

This limits the width of the meaning/reading explanations and context sentences on lessons and reviews to 600px (or more precisely 37.5rem), making them a little easier to read.

More information on why can be found on the release page, as well as the WaniKani forum post, which also contains before and after screenshots.


  1. Install Tampermonkey or some other userscript manager browser extension
  2. Open the Greasy Fork release page linked in the relevant script
  3. Click "Install this script", then "Install" if using Tampermonkey

If the expected behaviour is not immediately in effect, try a hard refresh (on Windows: Ctrl + Shift + R or Ctrl + F5).

Note: the Lesson/review Info Panel Width stylesheet is an exception to these instructions should be installed from the release page


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/yndajas/Nihongo-scripts.


This app is made available open source under the terms of the MIT License.