
Find, keep, tag and make notes on Stack Overflow questions

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

app icon


A simple application for finding, keeping, tagging and making notes on Stack Overflow questions!

With StackStore, you can:

  • search for Stack Overflow questions by title
  • view questions and answers
  • save questions to your own store
  • add tags and notes to questions and view questions by tag

You can view a demo of the app over on YouTube: youtube.com/watch?v=47qTNiLzgQU.

YouTube demo

Online use

The app is available to use for free at stackstore.yndajas.co (link will redirect to GitHub)!

Local use

You can run a copy of the app offline for local use. After cloning or downloading the repository, follow the instructions below.


The following instructions are for Windows Subsystem for Linux/Ubuntu, but it's also possible to run the app on other systems. The only difference should be the method for starting the PostgreSQL server - I don't have instructions for this, but check the PostgreSQL website for more information.

Install Ruby (help), then in a terminal:

  1. gem install bundler
  2. change directory to StackStore backend (e.g. cd /mnt/c/Users/yndaj/Documents/GitHub/StackStore/backend, replacing the path with wherever you've downloaded/moved the repository, followed by /backend)
  3. bundle install
  4. if you don't have PostgreSQL installed: sudo apt-get install postgresql
  5. sudo service postgresql start (if you get an error saying a user doesn't exist, try the following first, changing '' to the username mentioned in the error: sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser <USERNAME>)
  6. rake resetdb - or, if you want to start with a clean database (no test data), run rake db:drop, rake db:create and rake db:migrate
  7. cd .. return to the root of the project directory
  8. npm install install npm packages required by React app


Load up the backend server

In a terminal, from the 'StackStore' directory:

  1. cd backend
  2. rails s

Load up the frontend server

In a separate terminal instance, from the main 'StackStore' directory (not the 'backend' subdirectory):

  1. npm start
  2. type y when it tells you port 3000 is already in use (the app will use port 3001)
  3. open 'localhost:3001' in your browser


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at github.com/yndajas/StackStore.


This app is made available open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Search function built on the Stack Exchange API.

Logo icon/favicon based on shape (colour edited for use on StackStore) by Freepik, available here.

Background image by Sander Ottens, available at Transparent Textures (search 'cubes') and Subtle Patterns (by Toptal).