A game.
You need a Kubernetes cluster. Digital ocean is nice.
Install helm:
The following is based on https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-nginx-ingress-with-cert-manager-on-digitalocean-kubernetes However, it's outdated, so I had to do some changes to make it work.
Install Nginx ingress:
cd digitalocean kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/nginx-0.30.0/deploy/static/mandatory.yaml kubectl get svc --namespace ignress-nginx # - Now, wait for and note down the external IP of the service ingress-nginx. # - Add a DNS record for your hostname pointing to the external IP. # - Edit ingress-nginx.yaml with the DNS record (put it in service.beta.kubernetes.io/do-loadbalancer-hostname) kubectl apply -f ingress-nginx.yaml
- https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/8f4d5f8b343612255fa311e2f9a0da216f61a1d8/docs/deploy/index.md
- ingress-nginx.yaml is based on https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/nginx-0.30.0/deploy/static/provider/cloud-generic.yaml
- https://github.com/digitalocean/digitalocean-cloud-controller-manager/blob/master/docs/controllers/services/examples/README.md#setup
(TODO: * Create a DNS A record at your domain provider: *.k8s.mydomain.com -> public IP of your nginx ingress
Install CertManager:
kubectl apply --validate=false -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v0.14.1/cert-manager.yaml
source: https://cert-manager.io/docs/installation/kubernetes/
Set up certificate issuers
# kubectl apply -f staging_issuer.yaml kubectl apply -f prod_issuer.yaml
Run a test application to verify that everything works:
cd test kubectl apply --namespace=do-test -f . curl https://echo1.yngvark.com
- "!!! attention The default configuration watches Ingress object from all the namespaces. To change this behavior use the flag --watch-namespace to limit the scope to a particular namespace." source: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/8f4d5f8b343612255fa311e2f9a0da216f61a1d8/docs/deploy/index.md
- If public IP of Digital Ocean's Load balancer changes, we must update the DNS A record in one.com.
- Use ExternalDNS instead, which switching from one.com to something else, maby digital ocean works. Maybe linode?
DigitalOcean login:
doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save use_your_cluster_name