- 3
AttributeError: 'ProactorEventLoop' object has no attribute '_run_forever_setup'
#83 opened by lvzhiyuan0925 - 1
- 11
Feature Request: Auto Casting C-types
#4 opened by byehack - 9
- 2
How to create custom object?
#80 opened by moi15moi - 0
RoActivateInstance fails when initialized with TryCreatePackageDependency and AddPackageDependency
#42 opened by ynkdir - 5
update_sdk.yml fails
#68 opened by ynkdir - 1
- 3
Some `CoreWebView2` related not working.
#60 opened by ccpl17 - 1
changing of ToggleButton.isChecked crashes the app.
#61 opened by x-0D - 2
Latest Windows App SDK,older releases
#59 opened by monkeycc - 2
- 7
Structure construct confusing
#45 opened by shuffle2 - 2
- 4
Any plans to support Cygwin?
#51 opened by moi15moi - 10
Add a NavigationViewItem Errpr
#41 opened by xiaoshuaiyo - 14
Run code error
#50 opened by xiaoshuaiyo - 1
- 4
Can I use custom title bar?
#53 opened by xiaoshuaiyo - 1
- 1
- 0
Run code error
#49 opened by xiaoshuaiyo - 0
Create a runtime similar to. net
#48 opened by xiaoshuaiyo - 5
Can I call a function using XAML?
#39 opened by stysan - 3
iterate over IMapView
#43 opened by shuffle2 - 6
Is there any documentations here?
#47 opened by mstouk57g - 2
MLang is not included
#46 opened by moi15moi - 1
- 0
Don't include all enum attributes in selector mode
#22 opened by T-256 - 3
Publishing of win32more package to PyPI / best way to incorporate into projects?
#36 opened by fgimian - 0
winui: Grid.SetRow() doesn't work
#38 opened by ynkdir - 1
- 2
- 3
[QUESTION] IInspectable to ComboBoxItem?
#34 opened by joao678 - 0
Proposal: XamlApplication: Application implementing IXamlMetadataPorvider interface
#25 opened by sotanakamura - 1
- 2
- 0
Performance optimization of import
#27 opened by sotanakamura - 2
[Feature Request] binding generate for apis
#20 opened by T-256 - 3
- 5
Feature to extract used win32more module names
#16 opened by T-256 - 2
- 1
TypeVar must be assigned to a variable named "T"
#11 opened by T-256 - 0
Use `typing.Optional` for optional parameters.
#12 opened by T-256 - 1
[BUG] missing `__arglist` parameter
#10 opened by byehack - 1
NameError: name '_u_e__Union' is not defined
#5 opened by byehack - 4