
A simple neural network solver for the 1-D Schrödinger equation.

Primary LanguagePython


Schroedinger equation deep learning project

Version 1: 25 September 2017

Steven K. Steinke

This project uses Tensorflow to first generate random 1-D potentials, then solve them using gradient descent. These potentials and solutions are partitioned into training and validation data. Next, the training data are fed into a simple neural network with 2 hidden layers that use the softplus activation function. The mean squared distance between the “correct” solutions and the output of the neural network is the cost function; gradient descent on the network “solves” the problem. There are various simple tools included to visualize the output of this process.

Files included:

genpotential.py Generates the random potentials and solves them individually

schroedinger_nn.py Sets up a simple neural network to solve the 1D Sch. Eqn.

display_nnout.py Plots a single potential and its actual and predicted solutions

save_nn.py Saves the weights and biases of the network for later recovery

visualize_nn.py Creates bitmaps of the weights and biases of the network after sorting for spatial correlation