
Sample Spark start application illustration wordcount with testsuite

Primary LanguageScala

Spark Starter

Use this as a starter template for writing Spark applications.

What's included

  • build.sbt with required dependencies
  • assembly.sbt link to assembly plugin
  • WordCount spark application
  • WordCountSpec test suite for Spark

Packaging the jar

You would need sbt installed on your system to build the application:

sbt package

Packaging a uber-jar

To build an uber-jar:

sbt assembly

Running the test suite

sbt test

Running the application in local mode

spark-submit --class com.cloudwick.spark.WordCountRunner \
    --master "local[*]" \
    target/scala-2.10/spark-starter_2.10-1.0.jar \
    [input_path] \

Running the application in the cluster

spark-submit --class com.cloudwick.spark.WordCountRunner \
    --master "local[*]" \
    [path_to_jar]/spark-starter_2.10-1.0.jar \
    [input_path] \

Assuming you have copied the jar file to the gateway node from where you will be submitting the spark job from.