
Progress tracker for 30 days of JavaScript challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repo serves as a collection of projects completed for the "30 Days of JavaScript" challenge from JavaScript30.

Day 1: Drum Kit

A virtual drum kit that plays notes based on user input. A row of keys is displayed to interact with. Each key is mapped to a sound that will play when the corresponding key is pressed or is clicked by mouse.

Simple webpage that displays a functioning analog clock as well as the same clock in digital format.

A random image is rendered on screen with some control inputs. The user can interact with said inputs to alter the image. Alterations include blur, color, rotate, skew and spacing.

Quick array exercises to explore JavaScript's prominent functions: .filter(), map(), reduce(), sort()

Explore the capabilities of CSS's flexible boxes, or flexbox, and bringing in interactivity with JavaScript.

A countdown timer made with JavaScript. Offers preset timers or a custom user specified timer.

A small Whack A Mole game with the same objective as always: hit the moles as fast as you can. All under 10 seconds.