A case of versioning software with CI/CD in Git

Problem Statement

There is a commit A (- initial commit in this example) in a branch that we release from (master in this example). In the state commit A there is cirtait state of code and the version is 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT. We assume there was release candidate built and deployed, let's say to DEV by CI/CD triggered by the commit A.

After cirtain period of time (needed to check the RC and to decide to ship it), the shipit manual CI/CD step is triggered. This process needs to:

  1. set version to the release version (1.0.0 in this example) - commit S1 (- setting release version in this example)
  2. tag the source base with a release tag (v1.0.0 in this example)
  3. bump and set version to snapshot (1.1.0-SNAPSHOT in this example) - commit S2 (- setting next snapshot version in this example)
  4. incorporate these changes into master

Aditional complication that we want to care about, is that between commit A and shipit step there was another commit that happenned on master branch, commit B that modified the code (- updated code in this example).

We have to make sure that the state of the master after shipit step finishes, satisfies the following:

  • the tag v1.0.0 marks the state of the code as of A and version 1.0.0
  • master at commit S1 has the code as of A (not updated code from B) and version 1.0.0
  • master at commit S2 has the code as of A (not updated code from B) and version 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
  • master at commit B includes the updated code and next snapshot version 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT


  • rebase master onto shipit
    • see the result in the mater-rebased
    • looks exactly what we need
    • drawbacks - rebasing master is wrong
  • merge shipit into master
    • see the result in the mater-merged
    • looks exactly what we need
    • drawbacks - extra merge commit, no other nopticed