
Ecommerce Platform website with django

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Intelligent E-commerce Platform: NLP, Computer Vision, and Recommendations

websit microservices


create first layout of website
create database models (tables)
create home products page (show all product)
create product page (show the selected product)
create regester,login and logout page
create new product listing form
fixe category issus
search for products
<<>> Profile 
<<<<<<>>>>>> register in website by gmail or (confirmation)
 manage paginations
<<<<>>>> create a set of category and products 
<<<>>>> fixe images sizes
add errors pages
<<<<<<<>>>>>>> add message page


initialize git
put remote of github repo
push project to github
create first CI
<<<<<<>>>>>> create test.py in django


build docker image
push to docker hub
use database with my app by docer-compse
add secrets to github secrets
create .env with database details mysql + secret

step3.5 microservices related on platform

<<<<<<<>>>>>>> build messages aplication
build products aplication
build searsh aplication
build category aplication
build policy aplication
build auth aplication
<<<<>>>> connect the microservices


create cloud service account
structur of deployments in k8s
build continers on k8s
<<<>>> run scripts into deployment
<<<<>>>> use database as deployment with volumes
<<<<<<>>>>>> make deployment
<<<<<<>>>>>> make service 
<<<<<<>>>>>> make secrets from .env ENTERYPOINT.sh
<<<<<<>>>>>> CD with Github actions and degital ocean depend on CI

AI Microservices


create the policy of website
<<<<<<>>>>>> create and scrap data of product with policy and not with
<<<<<>>>>> create model to classify the products in policy or out
<<<<<>>>>> create model to recommand the products to users