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A collection of simple examples to visualize data with charts, maps and events. Charts are built with D3.js and maps are Leaflet or ArcGIS API for JavaScript. They provide some inspirations for Data Visualization!
They are created based on our hypothesis of method for Data Visualization as the below.
(Map + Chart) * Event = Data Visualization ?
Leaflet or ArcGIS API for JavaScript? I will use both depending on the case.
WHY do I use Leaflet?
- Simple
- Popular
- Light weight
- Not depend on third-party JavaScript library
- Various plugins
WHY do I use ArcGIS API for JavaScript?
- Esri Web Map
- No need to write codes to create map and layers
- No need to write codes to change some states of map
- No need to write codes to change some styles of layers
- Various esri/renderers classes for styling layers
WHY do I use D3.js?
- Lovin' it!
WHAT is events?
- DOM events (click, hover..)
- Form to input your status
- Time Animation
- etc..