
Template for city sub-module

Primary LanguageHTML

EqualStreetNames City Template

If you want to replicate the EqualStreetNames project in your city, here is the how-to !


  1. Fork this repository

  2. Find the OpenStreetMap relation of your city (example, Brussels)

  3. Add the relation identifier in config.php (example for Brussels)

    - 'relationId' => 0,
    + 'relationId' => 54094,
  4. Update the Overpass queries :

    overpass/relation-full-json (example for Brussels)

    - ( area["admin_level"=""]["wikidata"=""]; )->.a;
    + ( area["admin_level"="8"]["wikidata"="Q12994"]; )->.a;

    overpass/way-full-json (example for Brussels)

    - ( area["admin_level"=""]["wikidata"=""]; )->.a;
    + ( area["admin_level"="8"]["wikidata"="Q12994"]; )->.a;
  5. Update the HTML files (replace MyCity by the name of your city in all the index.html files, add languages, ...)

Integrate your city to the project

  1. Let us know you're ready to add a new city to the project by opening a new issue.

  2. You have 2 options:

    1. Transfer your repository to the EqualStreetNames organization.

      If you choose to do so, you stay of course "owner" of the repository, we'll create a team for you (and anyone you want) that will have admin rights on your repository.
      We'll help you maintain and manage your repository.
      We'll also setup an automated data update (usually once a week) and automated deployment of the website (if you need it).

    2. Keep the ownership of your repository.

      We'll just link your repository as sub-module in the cities folder.
      You'll have to maintain your repository, update the data, and the sub-module yourself.

Run your city locally

  1. Clone the main repository

    git clone https://github.com/EqualStreetNames/equalstreetnames.git
  2. Copy/Link your repository in the cities folder of the main repository (cities/my-country/my-city).

  3. Run the data update (in the root folder of the main repository)

    composer install
    composer run update-data -- --city=my-country/my-city
  4. Run the website locally (in the root folder of the main repository)

    npm install
    npm run serve:my-country:my-city
  5. Open http://localhost:1234/