
for the Munich Search Meetup July 2019: Create an elastic stack on and for nomad, with Search Guard

Primary LanguageHCL

Create an Elastic Stack on Nomad, for Nomad

for the Search Meetup in Munich, July 2019

This is a demo setup. Not for production, not for complete automation - i intentionally do steps manually where i want to show the system.

The target is to have a basic elastic stack running on a nomad cluster, collecting logs from the nodes. This is not for spinning up elasticsearch clusters on nomad on demand and in big numbers - for this, check out York Gersie's talk "Elasticsearch as a Service using the HashiStack".

  1. Set up a nomad cluster with packer and terraform: nomad_install
  2. Prepare the cluster with ansible: nomad_prepare
  3. Spin up elasticsearch, logstash, kibana, curator nomad_action
  4. Protect with SearchGuard - I didn't manage to do this part, tell me if you're interested