
A very basic rails app to be used to assessment and testing purposes only.

Primary LanguageRuby

Code Challenge

Welcome to the Main Street code challenge. This repository includes a very basic rails app to be used to assessment and testing purposes only.

Note: This codebase is not nearly or fully representative of our platform however it's a good small sample of the kinds of technology and problems we are solving.

Getting Started


  • Rails 6 (Framework)
  • Postgres (For Database)
  • Node (For Webpacker / Rails Dependencies)

This repository has a bin/setup script that should get things up and running for the majority of users if you have the above dependencies installed.

From the root of the project directory - simply run:


Once that runs you should be able to run the following 2 commands in separate terminal tabs / windows:

  1. rails s - this will start the rails server locally.
  2. bin/webpack-dev-server - this will start to watch and recompile the JavaScripts found in app/javascript


  • This repository was initialized using JumpStart
  • We can also use foreman to spin up multiple processes at the same timeforeman start -f Procfile.dev


Challenge Steps

Please refer to our Engineering Wiki for our best practices and recommended approaches.

You can also feel free to look at past PR's for how other developers have solved some of these challenges. Although keep in mind, you'll need to be able to explain your submission and talk through your choices.

☐ Add a way to delete companies

For companies, there isn't currently a way to destroy them. There should be a confirmation of the action. Some kind of "Are you sure?" message.

Assessing: Basic Rails Knowledge and established best practices.

☐ Add Custom Validation to company email

(When Present) All email addresses for new companies should only be a @getmainstreet.com domain. A custom error should render when attempting to create or update a company when the email does not match this domain. This should only be when email is present. Blank emails can be ignored. Should validate on both front end and back end.

Assessing: Basic Rails Knowledge and established best practices.

☐ Add City State To Companies from Zip Code

For each company "Show" page there is a placeholder for the City, State for that company. You'll need to leverage the zip code to have that value render the actual City, State. For example: Nashville, TN You might want to take a look at the ZipCodes gem that is already in this project.

Every time the company's zip code is updated this city and state should be updated.

The City and State should be added as attributes to the Company object.

Assessing: Back end skills. Ability to implement more back-end heavy, basic business logic in the context of rails while leveraging established Gems / Libraries.

☐ Include a way to set a brand color

Companies should be able to pick or enter a color and have that color render on the company show page. Ideally, this interface should feel responsive and interactive in some way.

Assessing: Front end skills. Basic UX and UI Instinct. Ability to leverage CSS / HTML / JavaScript to build an engaging and reactive UI.

☐ Include test coverage for all your changes

For all functionality extend or add tests from existing tests.

Assessing: Ability to produce clean tests and documentation for code.

☐ Suggest a new task for this challenge

Write up a proposed challenge to add to this repository for assessing developers. Do not solve the code challenge. Just write the task, and why this would make a good challenge to include for future developers.

Assessing: Engineering instinct, writing, ability to document up a deliverable concisely.

Bonus Points

  • Clean code that follows strong Rails Conventions
  • Originality and creativity in given solutions
  • Improving the overall UX of this challenge
  • Deploying your solutions to a server

How to raise a Pull request?

Since this a public repository, raising a Pull Request will not be the same as when you're a collaborator. The Instructions below will help you push the changes to the code challenge repo —

  • Fork the project to your personal Github

  • Clone the challenge to your local from your new forked repo in your personal git account

      git clone <forked account — main street coding challenge https url>
      example: git clone https://github.com/Sushanthbc/code-challenge.git
  • Any changes made in the original repository would not be synced to forked repository in your personal git account. Below commands enable us to track the original repository as a remote of the fork

      git remote add --track master upstream https://github.com/main-street/code-challenge.git
      git fetch upstream
  • Create a new branch for your changes

     git checkout -b readme-update upstream/master
  • Make your changes, stage and commit files necessary.

  • Push the changes to remote

     git push -u origin readme-update origin
  • You can now go to Github, and raise a PR with necessary details.

  • Happy Coding, and All the best, please don't hesitate to shoot an email to Recruitment team, if you have any issues while pushing the code.