#TEAMMATES Developer Web Site
TEAMMATES is a free online tool for managing peer evaluations and other feedback paths of your students. It is provided as a cloud-based service for educators/students and is currently used by several universities across the world. This is the developer web site for TEAMMATES. Click here to go to the TEAMMATES product website
##Interested to join TEAMMATES developer team?
We welcome contributions from developers, especially students. Here are some resources:
- Contributor Orientation Guide : This document describes what you need to know/do to become a contributor.
- [Project ideas page] (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fAvYvQr0E93OsZgyneaXGX0jaMA-zptTIxqLn83xwN0/pub?embedded=true) : These are for those who would like to do a relatively bigger projects with TEAMMATES (e.g., summer internships).
- [Instructions for Google Summer of Code applicants] (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Iu63WRIw8uz8liEW089IQHDQTRbh-QoOLMyfTPXNOa0/pub?embedded=true) : Read this before you apply to work for TEAMMATES under GSoC.
##Documentation For Developers Here are some documents important for TEAMMATES developers:
- Specification (short name: Spec) : Product specification, written from the developers point of view. The user's point of view is here.
- The project vision, challenges, and principles from a developer's perspective.
- Software Design - Architecture, APIs, etc.
- How to set up the developer environment- e.g., tools and libraries used.
- The development process.
Resources bin : Learning resources for the use of developers (tutorials, cheat sheets etc).
Decision analysis : Analysis of problems encountered, solutions considered, rationale for selection etc.
The glossary of terms used in the project.
Coding standards for : Java, JSP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML
Technical reports about TEAMMATES : In-depth descriptions about various aspects of the project
- An Analysis of Question Types - by Low Weilin
- Measuring Scalability and Performance - by James Dam Tuan Long
- Improving Scalability and Performance - by James Dam Tuan Long
- Entity Search Facility - by Wang Sha