
Anki add on to transform lists of words into cards

Primary LanguagePython


Anki add on to transform lists of words into cards.

Sorry it's not in the most shareable state. I don't think it could ever be shareable considering how tied it is to the structure of my decks and my folders, but you can tweak it to your likings and get some functions from it. Let me know if you have an idea about how to make it more generic/shareable, or if you need things like cards models...

My setup takes as input two text files: "in_review.txt" and "in_new.txt" which contain list of words that I notice I don't know well (review for the ones I want bumped up, new is for the ones I really don't know).

It makes cards with them talking to jisho.org, and imports them into my decks (importer.py) or reschedules them if they already exist. At the same time, it outputs a bunch of stats for my own monitoring.

It also depends on a file that contains the list of kanjis I know, so that I can distinguish between words I'm supposed to know how to read or not.