
code that generates graphs to learn kanjis in different ways

Primary LanguagePython


code that generates graphs to learn kanjis in different spatial ways.

There is not enough dimensions on a screen to adequately plot all kanjis, so it mostly plots random subsets of the kanji space for intelligibility, and plots them in different ways.

It takes as input a CSV for all kanjis, and outputs 4 kinds of graphs:

  • Similarity, places the nodes according to visual similarity and draws edges based on semantic similarity
  • Composition, a random subset of the total space based on which kanji is component of which
  • Oroots, decomposes each kanji into roots and subroots
  • Components, highlights all the kanjis derived from given kanjis

It highlights kanjis based on familiarity and puts an emphasis on the recently added ones (+ random spotlight)