
A Koa v2 boilerplate for building restful API and view engine.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Koa v2 boilerplate for building restful API and view engine


  • ES6/ES2015 support using Babel
  • Use MongoDB for the database and Mongoose ODM for schema creation
  • Use Bunyan for logging errors and events
  • Use Nodemon for watching and restarting
  • Use Nunjucks for rendering view
  • Use Jest as test framework (TODO)


├── bin
│   └── server.js            # entry of api server
├── src
│   │
│   ├── __test__             # testing scripts
│   ├── config               # app configurations
│   ├── controllers          # api implementations
│   ├── middlewares          # middleware implementations
│   │   └── query_parser.js  # mongoose connection service
│   ├── models               # database schema definitions
│   ├── servies              # standalone services
│   │   └── mongoose.js      # mongoose connection service
│   ├── routes.js            # router definitions
│   └── index.js             # koa instance
└── package.json



$ npm install

Run Server for Development

$ npm run dev

Assign a fixed port

$ npm run dev -- --port 8080

Run for Production

$ npm run build
$ npm run start

Assign a fixed port

$ npm run build
$ npm run start -- -- --port 8080


$ npm test


MIT © Kenny-Chang