AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) + Terraform module

This module will create an ECS cluter with workers, the cluster size would be dynamically determined by number of services.

The resources created with this cluster

Please note, that you must have a vpc in tact, a security group is not mandatory, but your workers wouldn't be able to communicate. See the example for real life scenario usage.



Name Version
terraform ~> 0.12.0
aws ~> 2.53.0
spotinst ~> 1.14.0


Name Version
aws ~> 2.53.0
spotinst ~> 1.14.0
template n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_name The name of the cluster, being used in other indetifiers as well string n/a yes
efs_security_group Should you want to work with efs, provide the security group string "" no
environment This would help you distinguish between your different environments string n/a yes
instance_ssh_key The ssh key name to attach to the workers (not the actual key, but the key name in aws) string n/a yes
instance_subnets List of subnets to spread the cluster workers on list(string) n/a yes
root_volume_size Workers volume size number 100 no
security_groups List of security groups to attach to the workers list(string) [] no
spotinst_account The spotinst account id string n/a yes
spotinst_token The spotinst Token string n/a yes
tags A map of tags to add to ECS Cluster map(string) {} no


Name Description
cluster_id The aws id of the cluster
cluster_name The name of the cluster


Module managed by Yoad Fekete, contributors are welcome :)


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.