TP1 - Monocular Visual Odometry TP2 - Filters for Edge Detection TP3 - Detection of characteristic points in the image ("Corners, Lines and Circumferences") TP4 - Intrinsic & Extrinsic Camera Calibration TP5 - Movement Estimation (Optic Flux) TP6 - ESTIMATION OF FUNDAMENTAL MATRIX ESSENTIAL MATRIX AND 3D RECONSTRUCTION TP7 - Motion estimation and 3D reconstruction using the Tomasi-Kanade Algorithm TP8 - Homography
Monocular Visual Odometry - Filters for Edge Detection - Detection of characteristic points in the image ("Corners, Lines and Circumferences") - Intrinsic & Extrinsic Camera Calibration - Movement Estimation (Optic Flux) - ESTIMATION OF FUNDAMENTAL MATRIX ESSENTIAL MATRIX AND 3D RECONSTRUCTION - Motion estimation and 3D reconstruction using the Tomasi-Kanade Algorithm - Homography