
Convenience library for random base64 strings modeled after my love for Ruby's SecureRandom

Primary LanguageElixirApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SecureRandom.ex [travis]

SecureRandom is an elixir module loosely based on Ruby's SecureRandom. I needed urlsafe, random, base64 strings and UUID generation, so I ported over what I needed :).

This gets its random from Erlang's strong_rand_bytes/1 and is strongly based from this gist. I had to remove some things that didn't make it to Elixir 1.0, and cut the stuff that I do not currently have use for.

Will accept PR's to flesh out further.


Add this to your mix.exs:

defp deps do
  [{:secure_random, "~> 0.2"}]

Fetch this motherlover:

mix deps.get



SecureRandom.uuid # => "e8bc6fde-3c11-cc2e-903b-745221154d8a"

base64 string:

SecureRandom.base64(8) # => "VsifwaD2HCk="

urlsafe_base64 string:

SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64 #=> "WAut546EWdXM3O_9sJGvmQ"


Brought to you by Adequate Kitchen which is a vague way saying Patrick Robertson.


Apache 2.0