
This is a fun side project born of my relatively new passion for Chess

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web Chess

This is a fun side-project born of my recent new passion for Chess Here I will try to implement as many features (seen on sites like chess.com & lichess.org) for the UI side of playing online chess.

Backend is out of scope for now...

combining client side engine is inspirational

An implementation of a playable chess board using web technologies:

  • React
  • Recoil JS
  • Styled Components
  • Framer Motion


Supports all rules of classical Chess:

  • only legal moves
  • castling
  • enpassant
  • 50 move count rule
  • pawn promotion (TBD)
  • move algebraic notation


  • Start from any legal FEN
  • Check(mate) identification & highlighting
  • legal moves identification & highlighting
  • take identification & highlighting
  • pinned piece (absolute) identification
  • Move history display



Feature Area Status
Flip Board board ✅
Board Coordinates (inside, outside) board
All legal moves (castle, castling limitations, en passant, promotion) moves 🚧
Promotion Selector ui, moves
Stalemate detection moves
check & checkmate detection moves ✅
Check/mate Highlight board
Legal moves highlight board ✅
Last move highlight board
history board game ✅
taken pieces bar game
Start from any FEN state ✅
Output to FEN state


Feature Area Status
time travel (show moves backward, forward) moves, game
board themes board
sounds (move, check, invalid) feedback
Load PGN (lichess, chess.com) state
Output to PGN state
write own FEN parser infra


Feature Area Status
toggle allowed moves highlighting board
toggle check/mate highlight board
Analysis mode (check moves without committing to history) moves
Game Clock (per side, bonus) game
Output to Image extras
History branches (maintain multiple history branches) game
Create game from custom position


Feature Area Status
use Engine! game, engine