Anon Message Board

A public messageboard

User stories

  1. I can POST a thread to a specific message board by passing form data text and delete_password to /api/threads/{board}.(Recomend res.redirect to board page /b/{board}) Saved will be _id, text, created_on(date&time), bumped_on(date&time, starts same as created_on), reported(boolean), delete_password, & replies(array).
  2. I can POST a reply to a thread on a specific board by passing form data text, delete_password, & thread_id to /api/replies/{board} and it will also update the bumped_on date to the comments date.(Recomend res.redirect to thread page /b/{board}/{thread_id}) In the thread's 'replies' array will be saved _id, text, created_on, delete_password, & reported.
  3. I can GET an array of the most recent 10 bumped threads on the board with only the most recent 3 replies from /api/threads/{board}. The reported and delete_passwords fields will not be sent.
  4. I can GET an entire thread with all it's replies from /api/replies/{board}?thread_id={thread_id}. Also hiding the same fields.
  5. I can delete a thread completely if I send a DELETE request to /api/threads/{board} and pass along the thread_id & delete_password. (Text response will be 'incorrect password' or 'success')
  6. I can delete a post(just changing the text to '[deleted]') if I send a DELETE request to /api/replies/{board} and pass along the thread_id, reply_id, & delete_password. (Text response will be 'incorrect password' or 'success')
  7. I can report a thread and change it's reported value to true by sending a PUT request to /api/threads/{board} and pass along the thread_id. (Text response will be 'success')
  8. I can report a reply and change it's reported value to true by sending a PUT request to /api/replies/{board} and pass along the thread_id & reply_id. (Text response will be 'success')