
Your own Icecast internet radio with a simple python script. Optionally this backend serves additional data for my frontend https://github.com/yobonez/iceparty

Primary LanguagePython


This program requires setting up your own icecast server.


python3 radio_main.py mountpoint-name


  • mountpoint-name you can use whatever name you want, but it must match your song folder's name specififed in radio-root directory.


When you run this program for the first time, it will generate this config:

icecast-admin = myadmin:password
// Credentials to icecast source (do not use dollar signs in passwords, wontfix escaping them)
icecast-source = mysource:password
// Provide an address for your icecast server, where the audio will be streamed (without http:// and /mountpoint_name)
icecast-address =  //example address
// Your root directory for radio mountpoints with songs in them (directory name must end with slash)
radio-root = /your/dir/with/songs/
// Webiste root directory (directory name must end with slash)
web-root = /your/dir/iceparty/

If your web-root path is custom (for example its your home folder), you must link it inside /usr/share/icecast2/web/ Example: sudo ln -s /home/someuser/iceparty /usr/share/icecast2/web/iceparty

How does it work?

When program is running, it will reach for your songs folder named after mountpoint-name (specified in radio-root in config), then create a playlist and fire up an icecast mountpoint, then start updating titles and thumbnails for the website.

Covers of songs downloaded from spotify

To download spotify songs, you can use Savify or some other tool available online. Songs downloaded from Spotify already have cover images inside them.

Thumbnails for songs downloaded from youtube

For youtube you can use yt-dlp, but with extra option that will additionally download a youtube thumbnail with the same filename as the song (but as image).


Song with thumbnail

yt-dlp --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --write-thumbnail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSwcTiurwwk

Just thumbnail

yt-dlp --write-thumbnail --skip-download https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSwcTiurwwk