
Shell script to run Ngrok in the background and get the public url easily from terminal or from log file.

Primary LanguageShell

Shell script to run Ngrok in the background and get the public url easily from terminal or from log file.


$ sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yobotn/auto-tunnel/master/autotunnel.sh
$ sudo chmod +x autotunnel.sh
$ sudo ./autotunnel.sh


ZIPPED_NGROK_URL - ngrok will be downloaded from this url if not found locally.
- default url is Linux(ARM), good for raspberry pi 3 b+.
- copy your desired ngrok url from this link https://ngrok.com/download
NGROK_CMD ngrok arguments
DEBUG where to show/save the tunnel public url > "0">Terminal "1">Log file
LOG_FILE if DEBUG is 1, public url will saved in this file

For more Ngrok documentation please visit https://ngrok.com/docs