
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status


Vinitha S Raja

John Boucherie

Drake Wang

Travis Baratacart

Getting Started

  1. Install MySQL

  2. Install Node and NPM

  3. Install Bower

    $ npm install -g bower
  4. Install dependencies

    $ npm install
    $ bower install
  5. Create serverconfig.js in root directory which exports the following: fbapikey: Facebook API key

    • fbapisecret: Facebook API secret
    • sqluid: MySQL login username
    • sqlpw: MySQL login password
    • calendarsecret: Google Calendar API secret
    • calendarurl: Google Calendar callback url
    • sessionsecret: Secret used for sessions
    • sessionkey: Key used for sessions

File Structure

  + client
  | |
  | + assets
  | |
  | + [page]
  | | |
  | | -- [page].html
  | | |
  | | -- [page]_controller.js
  | | |
  | | -- [page]_service.js
  | |
  | + styles
  | | |
  | | -- styles.css
  | |
  | -- app.js
  | |
  | -- index.ejs
  + server
  | |
  | + routes
  | | |
  | | -- [route].js
  | |
  | + controllers
  | | |
  | | -- [route].js
  | |
  | + test
  | | |
  | | -- [route].js
  | |
  | -- server.js
  -- serverconfig.js

Api Endpoints

Donor Profiles

Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/api/profile GET Currently logged in donor's profile - -
/api/profile PUT Currently logged in donor's profile Update currently logged in donor's profile Profile fields to change
/api/profile/:id GET Donor profile by id - -
/api/geo GET Donors who live in a certain area - minLat: Minimum latitude to search
minLong: Minimum longitude to search
maxLat: Maximum latitude to search
maxLong: Maximum longitude to search

Hospital Profiles

Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/api/hospital/profile GET Currently logged in hospital's profile - -
/api/hospital/profile PUT Currently logged in hospital's profile Update currently logged in hospital's profile Profile fields to change
/api/hospital/profile/:id GET Hospital profile by id - -
/api/hospital/geo GET Hospitals in a certain area - minLat: Minimum latitude to search
minLong: Minimum longitude to search
maxLat: Maximum latitude to search
maxLong: Maximum longitude to search
/api/hospital/:id/reviews GET Hospital reviews by id - -
/api/hospital/:id/reviews POST Created review Creates review for hospital by id Content: Review text
Stars: Number of stars for review


Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/api/event GET Currently logged in hospital's events - -
/api/event POST Created event Adds event to hospital time: event time
hospitalId: id of hosting hospital
/api/event/:id GET Event by id and participants
/api/event/:id POST Event by id and participants Logged in donor joins event -
/api/event/geo GET Events in a certain area - minLat: Minimum latitude to search
minLong: Minimum longitude to search
maxLat: Maximum latitude to search
maxLong: Maximum longitude to search


Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/api/appointment GET Currently logged in hospital's appointments - -
/api/appointment POST Created appointment Creates appointment for logged in donor time: Appointment time
hospitalId: Id of appointment hospital
type: Appointment type
  • 1: Regular Appointment
  • 2: Appointent with event
  • Appointment with bloodbuddy

Feed Posts

Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/api/post GET Currently logged in donor's profile - minLat: Minimum latitude to search
minLong: Minimum longitude to search
maxLat: Maximum latitude to search
maxLong: Maximum longitude to search
/api/post POST Currently logged in donor's profile Post to feed as currently logged in user content: Post Text
latitude: latitude associated with post
longitude: longitude associated with post


Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/api/calendar GET Google Appointments Updates calendar with google appointments title: appointment title
id: appointment id
start: start date
url: link to google appointment
/api/calendar POST - Create google appointment summary: appointment title
start: start time
end: end time

Blood Buddy Requests

Endpoint Action Returns Side Effect Parameters/Req Body
/api/bloodbuddy POST Blood buddy request info Creates new blood buddy request for logged in donor time: Desired appointment time
hospitalId: id of appointment hospital
/api/bloodbuddy/:id GET Blood buddy request info by id - -
/api/bloodbuddy/:id PUT Blood buddy request info by id Creates appointments for requester and logged in donor -
