
Primary LanguageJavaScript


App is running on https://drakescrowd.herokuapp.com


  • make sure postgres is installed.
  • make sure node is installed.
  • running commands such as babel-node may require additional setups (just follow what the terminal tells you to do).


  1. clone and cd into this repo

    $ git clone https://github.com/yochess/drakescrowd.git && cd drakescrowd
  2. install node dependencies

    $ npm install
  3. create a postgres database named drakescrowd
    (ps. you can swap out postgres db for mySQL db or any other supported SQL db in the dbconfig file)

    $ psql
    # CREATE DATABASE drakescrowd;
    # \q
  4. OPTIONAL: populate the db with sample data

    $ babel-node sampledata.js
  5. start the server

    $ babel-node ./src/app.js

    or (with nodemon)

    $ nodemon ./src/app.js --exec babel-node --presets es2015


  1. run the gulp build

    $ gulp build
  2. make sure the production version works

    $ env build=production node ./dist/app.js
  3. goto www.heroku.com, login (or signup), click create a new project, and follow their instructions
    (note: a Procfile is not necessary for our app)

  4. setup a db in heroku postgres (some research may be necessary)

  5. under settings, save the following env variables: ADDRESS="your_link" build=production DATABASE_URL="your_db_link"

##Current Issues:

  • uploads storage needs to be permenant. Everytime the current app is pushed to heroku, the uploads folder in the dist folder is ignored. Consider using an online storage or a separate link to host images.