

Question 1

How much more accurate is the model with the forgetting parameter than the model without?

Standard BKT: 74.5%

BKT+Forgets: 78.2%

Difference: 3.7%

Question 2

Which Knowledge Component is the easiest to learn?

Easiest to learn: Plot pi

Plot pi Forget No forget
Prior 63.40% 66.27%
Guess 8.38% 8.36%
Learn 61.03% 58.44%
Slip 6.32% 10.03%
Forget 5.35% N/A

Question 3

Which Knowledge Component is the hardest to learn?

Hardest to learn: Finding the intersection, Mixed (when forgetting)

Hardest to learn: Plot terminating proper fraction (when not forgetting)

Finding the intersection, Mixed Forget No forget
Prior 36.65% 35.96%
Guess 33.61% 33.32%
Learn 9.78% 6.94%
Slip 26.66% 28.29%
Forget 8.70% N/A
Plot terminating proper fraction Forget No forget
Prior 53.60% 69.00%
Guess 27.87% 23.94%
Learn 12.62% 6.74%
Slip 29.75% 36.40%
Forget 4.51% N/A

Question 4

Which Knowledge Component is the easiest to guess?

Easiest to guess: Plot whole number

Plot whole number Forget No forget
Prior 52.51% 74.58%
Guess 80.55% 74.02%
Learn 36.71% 37.85%
Slip 1.02% 5.12%
Forget 23.00% N/A

Question 5

Which Knowledge Component is the hardest to guess?

Hardest to guess: Plot imperfect radical (when forgetting)

Hardest to guess: Plot non-terminating improper fraction (when not forgetting)

Plot imperfect radical Forget No forget
Prior 39.25% 25.72%
Guess 3.69% 8.60%
Learn 17.03% 12.77%
Slip 36.95% 23.66%
Forget 6.34% N/A
Plot non-terminating improper fraction Forget No forget
Prior 63.71% 64.52%
Guess 10.81% 5.66%
Learn 20.31% 24.77%
Slip 26.61% 26.78%
Forget 0.71% N/A

Question 6

How much more accurate is the model with the forgetting parameter than the model without?

Standard BKT: 63.9%

BKT+Forgets: 68.6%

Difference: 4.7%

Question 7

Which Knowledge Component is the easiest to forget?

Easiest to forget: Calculate unit rate

Calculate unit rate Forget No forget
Prior 99.40% 1.00%
Guess 46.14% 49.34%
Learn 28.72% 7.37%
Slip 6.41% 13.44%
Forget 97.33% N/A

Question 8

Which Knowledge Component is the hardest to forget?

Hardest to forget: Plot non-terminating improper fraction

Plot non-terminating improper fraction Forget No forget
Prior 63.71% 64.52%
Guess 10.81% 5.66%
Learn 20.31% 24.77%
Slip 26.61% 26.78%
Forget 0.71% N/A

Question 9

Pick 2 out of questions 1-8 and write a short (1-2 sentence) explanation for them. Why is a certain model more accurate than another? Or why is a certain knowledge component easy/hard to learn/guess/forget?

Question 6

The increase in accuracy may be accounted to:

  • an increase in the parameter complexity of the model, allowing for a better fit (i.e. bigger = better when your model is this small); and/or
  • a better approximation of ground truth, allowing the model to better fit what actually occurs.

A simpler analysis might attribute it wholly the second reason, but some values for 'forgetting' (such as 97.33% for calculating unit rate) seem illogical.

Question 7

Recall the table:

Calculate unit rate Forget No forget
Prior 99.40% 1.00%
Guess 46.14% 49.34%
Learn 28.72% 7.37%
Slip 6.41% 13.44%
Forget 97.33% N/A

Note that the 1% chance of prior knowledge jumps all the way to 99.4% if we allow them to forget. This presumably means that a significant number of students in the training data are getting it right on the first try (note that guessing is around 45-50% on both sides of the table), but not on successive tries. Without allowing for forgetting, this leads to a higher guess rate and a higher slip rate, with an abysmally low learn rate. When allowing for forgetting, it is 'easier' - albeit less logical - to attribute this to it being extremely easy to forget. When applied to test data or to new students, the model allowing for forgetting is therefore far more likely to incorrectly predict the user's state.