
Utiliities used within XSLT

Utilities used within XSLT

We created these utility templates to make developing XSLT templates more efficient and DRY

  • Convert from lower to upper case and vice versa
  • Remove non-alpha-numeric characters from string
  • Replace string characters
  • Remove "/version/" from path to file
  • Return items as list with default comma separator
  • Remove non-alphanumeric chars and replace spaces with _ in strings intended for use in URLs
  • Create path to document removing version and adding forward slash separators
  • Calculate date - receives dd.mm.yyyy and returns yyyymmdd
  • Format date - expects dd.mm.yyyy hh.mm $date (time optional) and returns in UK or US (depending on environment) format
  • Localisation for name or description - outputs English or translated version of 'name' 'description' node
  • Check elibility of asset or content, eg draft or approved status
  • Use short name instead of full name if available
  • Convert grades to numbers
  • Create edit path based on store (asset or content type)
  • Add "Read more" link to articles with links
  • Convert video duration to hours, minutes, seconds