
The function creates a storage account and enabling it to be a static website. it gets a name of storage account to be created within specified resource group. It expect single parameter to be provided either as a json body, ot as a query parameter. SiteName=<101yoav104> The response is a json structure: {"siteName":"<name of the created storage>","connectionString":"<fully qualified connection string to the newly created storage>", "endPoint": "<your new site url>"}


The number of storage accounts per subscription per region is limited, as well as the number of resources per resource group. Please refer to documentation for more information.

Create SPN per subscription

az account set --subscription az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth > .azureauth

Use the following values from the created file, and include them in the local.settings.json

"AZURE_AUTH_CLIENT" : "<clientId>",

"AZURE_AUTH_SECRET" : "<clientSecret>",

"AZURE_AUTH_TENANT" : "<tenantId>",

"RG_LOCATION":"<requested region>",

"RG_NAME" : "<resource group name>"

Create container SAS token for your template website

Lets say, you have a storage account with the default web site, you wish to deploy. The function will copy from the private azure storage, to the newly created $web. For this function to work, it requires access to the source blob storage. The reason is, I'm using StartCopyFromUri method, which does not move the data through the compute. (similar to the way azcopy copy works). So, we need to add two more settings to the local.setting.json file. The fastest way to obtain SAS token to a container is using Azure Storage Explorer, right click on the container and 'Get Shared Access Signeture ...' add it to your file: "SOURCE_SITE_CONTAINER": "sample-site",

"SAS" : "<your newly created token>"