Diary Microservice

Micro Services

user microservice: user operations

post microservice: post operations

notification microservice: push notification and notification crud operations

api gateway: receive the all requests

eureka server: allows to comminucate between services withoud hardcoded host and port names

How to run

  git clone https://gitlab.com/iknow-tech/diary-microservice-be
  cd diary-microservice-be

build docker-compose

  docker-compose build --no-cache

run docker-compose

  docker-compose up --force-recreate

Sending Postman Requests

You have to send every request to api gateway. Api gateway will work on 8083.

Base URL: http://localhost:8083

Collection: https://gitlab.com/iknow-tech/diary-microservice-be/-/blob/master/diary-microservice-apigateway.postman_collection.json

Note That!

You have to login first, then you will get an access token. You must put this token to header as Bearer token.