offline multi project kanban board using phpdesktop

its a php desktop application that lets you create a static blog.

the purpose: it is a proof of concept for creating a desktop app with php. and a proof of concept for offline cms that creates a static website, can be used for many perpuses a blog is the simplest so thats what i did. the design is very minemal as thats not the focuse of this project.

it uses: -phpdesktop as server and browser

-the main programming languge is php

-for the front it uses matrilizecss

-for database it uses sqlite and jason for the static version (the exported blog)

-and it uses my own php framework for rapid dev

-jqury ui drag and drop

-simple js color picker


*regular kanban board features (drag and drop between boards)

*add edit and remove boards (calld cats)

*add and change project

*double click task to edit/remove it

how to use?

download the repo, extract all of the zip files, run the exe.

contact me:

demo gifs

move tasks:

alt text

add task:

alt text

edit/ remove task (double click a task)

alt text

change kanban board/project:

alt text

add category/board

alt text