this is another example of how to use redux with react.
first thers a simple to do list in "pure" vanila react, with add and delete functinality.
then thers the same to do list with redux.
i did not use thunk to keep things simple.
this code assumes you are familiar with react and understand the concepts of redux. it's a simple example perfect for beginners.
if your new to redux (or react) go to the react todo first and then have a look at the redux version.
how to use(for both projects):
1)clone this repo (or download it)
2)in the project folder run :
npm install
to install all the dependencies
3)run the server using:
npm start
code structure(for the redux example):
gets the store from the store file and wraps the app component with a Provider which gets the store.
inside yapp you have the add todo form and list component. togather with the functions handaling the user input and sending it as actions to the reducer.
*src/store.js holds the redux global store gets the inital state and the reducer from the root reducer
*src/rducers/index.js in the code can also be called as "src/rducers/" (depending on the reltive path you need) this file combines all reducers
*src/rducers/todo.js holds the reducer responsible for handling add deleate and reqest data requests.
*src/actions/types.js holds constants used for the action types names
*src/actions/todo_actions.js holds all the action objects
if anything is unclear please contact me:
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