The File Archiver is a Python script that recursively iterates through a directory tree, collects all text files, and archives them into a ZIP file. It utilizes the pathlib module for file path manipulation and the zipfile module for creating and managing ZIP archives.

Clone the repo:

git clone

Run the script:



  • Recursively iterates through a directory and its subdirectories to collect text files.
  • Creates a ZIP archive containing all collected text files.
  • Deletes the original text files after archiving them to save disk space.


  • Modify the root_dir variable to specify the directory containing the text files to be archived.
  • Adjust the file extension pattern in the rglob() function to match the desired file type(s) for archiving.

Ex., Suppose you have the following directory structure:

files/ ├── folder1/ │ ├── file1.txt │ └── file2.txt ├── folder2/ │ ├── file3.txt │ └── file4.txt └── file5.txt

After running the script, the text files will be archived into a ZIP file named, and the original text files will be deleted:

files/ ├──