

SimpleBot is a basic chatbot implemented in Java that can greet the user, guess their age based on remainders, count to any number they input, and quiz them on programming knowledge.

How it Works

The SimpleBot program uses a scanner object to read input from the user. It starts by greeting the user and asking for their name, then guesses their age based on remainders of dividing their age by 3, 5, and 7. It then counts up to any number the user inputs using a for loop. Finally, it quizzes the user on programming knowledge by asking a multiple choice question.

The program is organized into five static methods:

greet: This method greets the user and introduces the chatbot by name and birth year.

remindName: This method prompts the user to input their name and prints a personalized greeting.

guessAge: This method asks the user for remainders of dividing their age by 3, 5, and 7, then calculates their age based on those remainders.

count: This method prompts the user to input a number, then uses a for loop to count up to that number, printing each number along the way.

test: This method quizzes the user on programming knowledge by asking a multiple choice question and checking their answer.

The main method calls each of these methods in sequence to run the chatbot program.


To use the SimpleBot program, simply run the main method. The program will greet the user and prompt them for input to continue. Follow the instructions given by the program to complete each section. When the quiz is finished, the program will end with a congratulatory message.