
Knack take home exercise

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the implementation of the answer to the knack coding exercise by Yoel Martin Fornieles. See the 'coding_excercise_instructions.md' file for the requirements of the exercise.


I consider an object a duplicate when it got the same keys and values than another one. This could be further discussed and approve within the team.

I consider that, for the duplicate objects, the _id field is the only one negligible (as the id field is the only one that cannot be a duplicate, being unique in the db).

I consider the object in the mock_application.json file as the model for the knack object. This could be defined in a model within the team, but right now is the only info I got.


npm i


"chai": "^4.3.7", "mocha": "^10.2.0"


"eslint": "^8.37.0", "eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^15.0.0", "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.27.5"


npm start

-- the app will take as default values the following:

const filename = 'resources/mock_application.json';

const paramsToSanitize = [['objects', 'fields'], ['scenes', 'views']];

const outputFilename = 'sanitized_application.json';

This values can be modified from the index.js file.

The sanitized version of the mock_application.json file will be saved inside the 'output' directory. However, a sample can be found in the root of the project.

Run tests

npm test

The tests can be located in the './src/test' directory. Mocha have been used for the implementation of the tests.


  • Work further in the error control (if the app would be an endpoint, add the error_codes, send more explicit error messages)
  • Decide when this app will be run (from a design perspective, is not the same to check for duplicates after the creation of the objects, with a cron on an scheduled maintenance, etc...)
  • Define what a duplicate is for our work team.


👤 Yoel Martin Fornieles