- 910JQKNone
- ajsalminenFinland
- alapolloni
- and3rson@NewfirePartners, @mediwareinc, @urwid
- bpw1621Germantown, MD
- cgoubertFinistere, France
- cmchapBoston, MA
- eripaNorth Vancouver, Canada
- fdevfdev
- FinkreghSAP SE
- gonsie@LLNL
- imagesafari
- ispano
- jasonyostCortex Labs
- KenyOSSão Paulo
- Marand-
- markemer@ionic-team at @OutSystems
- matiskayArequipa, Perú
- matthew-cox
- MrOutputUnited States
- naltunCenters for Disease Control and Prevention - OCIO Digital Services Office
- nazeeruddinikramFOSS4Good
- oisinDublin, Ireland
- PalidWarsaw
- poliveira89
- pr0d1r2Warsaw, Poland
- program247365Buffalo, NY
- pthrasherAtlanta, GA
- ratheeshಬೆಂದಕಾಳೂರು, ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ, ಭಾರತ
- samzornGermany
- tommyjtlEarth
- VVCepheiAUniversity of Waterloo
- watashiZhejing University
- wfalkwallaceNew York
- xsbBerlin
- yoganinovex