Contains 5 projects. Projects developed using Python, Pandas, Tkinter, External APIs.
master branch - Basic functionalities of tkinter
Branch - 1: Trivia App
- An external api is hit to get the trivia questions (Number of questions, Category can be mentioned in the API)
- The questions are shown in the Tkinter screen and options are given to choose.
- Scorecard is also maintained.
Branch - 2: Language learning flashcard app
- A list od 100 French words and it's English match are collected in a csv.
- Using Pandas, the csv is read and using Tkinter, the words are displayed on a card in the screen.
- Showing French word, and after 3 seconds, we flip the card to show the English word.
- We give an option to choose of the English meaning matches to the French word, if the optoin chosen is right, the screen turns to Green, else to Red.
Branch - 3: Password storage app
- A tkinter screen where we have three components, entry box to enter application name, email/username and password.
- The password could be entered manunally or password generator is also added to the button component.
- The password are all stored in a json file (exception handling is done).
Branch - 4: Pomodoro App
- Pomodoro technique is a time management system, where work is done for 25 minutes and a short break is taken for 5 minutes after work. After 4 consecutive works, a long break is taken for 20 minutes.
- The Tkinter screen has a start button, once pressed, the timer starts and it runs background along with other applications.
- The pomodoro technique is applied to the timer to indicate work, short and long breaks.
Branch - 5: Mile to km converter
- A simple tkinter gui app which converts mile to km.