
Sistem Informasi Klinik untuk membantu klinik dalam pencatatan pasien.

Primary LanguagePHP

Demo Link

Demo Link

About Laravel

Projek Sistem Informasi Klinik untuk membantu klinik dalam pencatatan pasien.

Laravel is accessible, powerful, and provides tools required for large, robust applications.

Multirole User (Admin, Pasien, Dokter)


Admin will be able to do CRUD actions in dokter, user with the default password is "password", and obat menu.

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Dokter will be able to see who is made appointment.


Dokter will be able to do CRUD action in pasien menu.

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Dokter will be able to print out the patient history (pdf)

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Dokter will be able to see the stock of obat.



Patients who want to seek treatment must make an appointment with a Dokter first
