
Fun project to learn OOPs concepts

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Fun project to learn OOPs concepts


  • Each city has only one city manager
  • An FM Can report to only one city manager
  • Implemented sample case for 2 city managers
  • Inititally city manager's rating put as 5, code will adopt if we want to give bonus to whole swiggy instead of city wise
  • Data Sample : https://github.com/yogeeshr/FleetHierarchyManager/blob/master/FleetManager/Diagrams/Sample_Fleet_Data.png
  • Initially bonus for all employee will be zero until allocated
  • Level 1 is highest and greater the level lower the hierarchy
  • Data is hardcoded and static data is created using Util class
  • All data is in code itself and no DB is being used
  • My initial idea was to make FM , CM and DE as inherited class of Employee class but in this use case there was no need to use inheritence instead composition with applied rules worked well



  • Code is extensible if we need to pull more than 5 top DE;s as well
  • New type of employee can easily be added by adding a type to enum
  • Later if there is an entity called vehicle belongs to Delivery Executive - this can be added as composition to Employee class

Code standars

  • No line is greater than 120 column long
  • Optimized all imports in java files
  • Tried to follow google java coding style : https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html
  • Code has been done starting from ERD and converting into Java classes
  • Followed SOLID principle throught
  • Code is thread safe at some method where required, same is achieved by usind Synchronized keyword of Java
  • Lombok is used to generate getter, setter and constructors


Database ( if wanted )

  • Table 1 : Employee with attributes mentioned in Class would be a table barring reportees attrbiute
  • Table 2 : Mapping table of empid, mgrid
  • Table 3 : City as a table
  • Table 4 : CIty_Mgr mapping to know which city is managed by which manager
  • Table 5 : BonusGrant_CityID ( slno, bonus_amount, city_id, timestamp ) to keep track of which city was given what bonus and when