Pinned Repositories
SARAL is the eLearning platform of NavGurukul, which is available on website I have created a CLI based app where users can access the content of saral using the terminal.
I have made a chat-bot which helps you to get your everyday horoscope data and jokes according to your Horoscope sign and jokes endpoints, in Cliq (Zoho's Chat App). Here, are some of the end-points that have been connected to Cliq using Glitch (online express server host) in Express.js
In this App, you can assign Todos to the other person in a certain project, however, for now, the project owner and assignee can view the same projects, in which they both lie, and both can assign Todos to each other.
In this project, I have scraped the names of all the friends on Facebook after logging in with username and password, using selenium automation tool with python.
In this project, I made Google-News-Feed App, where user can read and browse News. The App uses Next.js, the React's Framework for server-side rendering with Ant.D, as the UI/UX Library.
Using Beautiful-soup and Requests library to scrape the details of Top 250 Indian movies at, and performed different analysis based on year, decade, genres, director, language and cast.
In this project, I have solved some of the basic questions in Java to improve my Logical thinking.
In this project, I have made a simple KBC Game in Python which let's you ask some of the questions, and you'll be given four options for that. In this game, one 50-50 lifeline is there, which you can use to skip two wrong options out of four. You can use this lifeline only once.
In this project, I have scraped the data of all the NGOs that donate funds certified by GiveIndia at according to their Location, and I have stored all the data in the ngo_scraper.json file.
Here are my some of the basic python algo questions
yogendrajs's Repositories
In this project, I have scraped the names of all the friends on Facebook after logging in with username and password, using selenium automation tool with python.
I have made a chat-bot which helps you to get your everyday horoscope data and jokes according to your Horoscope sign and jokes endpoints, in Cliq (Zoho's Chat App). Here, are some of the end-points that have been connected to Cliq using Glitch (online express server host) in Express.js
In this project, I have made a simple KBC Game in Python which let's you ask some of the questions, and you'll be given four options for that. In this game, one 50-50 lifeline is there, which you can use to skip two wrong options out of four. You can use this lifeline only once.
SARAL is the eLearning platform of NavGurukul, which is available on website I have created a CLI based app where users can access the content of saral using the terminal.
In this App, you can assign Todos to the other person in a certain project, however, for now, the project owner and assignee can view the same projects, in which they both lie, and both can assign Todos to each other.
In this project, I made Google-News-Feed App, where user can read and browse News. The App uses Next.js, the React's Framework for server-side rendering with Ant.D, as the UI/UX Library.
In this project, I have solved some of the basic questions in Java to improve my Logical thinking.
In this project, I have solved some of the logical questions from CodeSignal, Hackerrank and FreeCodeCamp.
In this project, I have solved some of the questions of Project Euler ( in Java to improve my Logical thinking.
SARAL is the eLearning platform of NavGurukul, which is available on website I have created a CLI based app where users can access the content of saral using the terminal.
This is the template for the webpack-react application.
In this project, I have used Zomato-API ( to get the details of restaurants present in a particular location. You'll be asked a location to fetch the details like average cost for two people, price ranges, has online delivery or not, and cuisines of that location.
Using Google Drive API, I have shown the images of a public folder of my Drive to the web-browser, without any database.
In this project, I've scraped all the Horoscope-Data for every signs, using Axios, and Cheerio.js. And, I've used Node-cron to schedule it and send it to the Mail.
In this project, I have shown the images of the public folder Images of my Drive, to the web-browser using Google-Drive-API
Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
In this project, I made a simple Form in ReactJS that will validate the inputs according to some conditions for Name, Email-id and Password.
In this project, I made a simple Tic-Tac-Toe Game using React library of JavaScript. In this Game, I do have implemented the feature of Winner and Game-Draw.
This is the backend of my Todo-Frontend-Repo that has been built on ReactJS. In this Backend part, I have used Axios-API to fetch and send data to the frontend and vice-versa. I have used ExpressJS to do so. I have also used JWT-authentication to verify the user. However, I didn't make any signup endpoint. Only Login endpoint is there.
In this project, I made a simple todo-app using react.js , the JavaScript library, in which you can add, edit and delete the task as per use.
In this project, I have made a backend of an e-commerce website using Express framework of NodeJS. I have also used JWT-authentication token to verify the customer.
In this app, I've used Zomato-API with React.js to fetch the restaurants present in a particular location. You'll able to get the details like average cost for two people, price ranges, rating, has online delivery or not, and cuisines of that location.
This is the sample project written in Express.js
A single API for all your integrations.
In this project, I made a Collaborative Todo-App using React-Redux. In this App, you can assign the Todos for the other person. The Assignee can mark the respected Todo as Done, can edit and delete them also.
record and replay the web