
An End-to-End Pneumonia Diagnosis(from Chest X-Ray images) application built using Flask and Deep Learning models trained using TensorFlow on a Kaggle Dataset.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

🩺Pneumonia Diagnosis from Chest X-Ray Images : an end-to-end application🫁

  • I used this dataset from kaggle.
  • First, I built a custom CNN.
  • Later, I built several Transfer Learning (Feature Extraction + Fine Tuning) models using:
    • VGG16
    • ResNet152V2
  • Out of the 5 model that I built, ResNet152V2 model with feature extraction and a custom classifier gave the best accuracy of 89.7%. (For the metrics of all models, please refer to Summary.xlsx)
  • All the models were built using TensorFlow.
  • I used Google Colab (with its free GPU) for the entire ML workflow. I downloaded this notebook as Pneumonia_Diagnosis_From_Chest_X_Rays_Final.ipynb.
  • I then used that best ResNet152V2 model for making inferences, by building a web application using Flask python framework, where a user can upload a chest x-ray image and get the diagnosis results.

⚠️NOTE: The best ResNet152V2 saved model is very large, hence is not present in this repo. Download it from here [Open this link and download the entire folder. You will download a ZIP file. Unzip it and inside it, you will find a folder called resnet152v2_feature_extraction_final_best_model. Place this folder in the root of your project. Note that the filename should be as it is]. This file is required otherwise by the flask server to perform inferences.

Description of files in the repo

➡️ app.py - Flask Server

➡️ Pneumonia_Diagnosis_From_Chest_X_Rays_Final.ipynb - IPython Notebook containing the code used to train various TensorFlow models.

➡️ predict_result.py - Script used to load the saved model and perform inference for an input image.

➡️ requirements.txt - Contains the python dependencies & the associated versions.

➡️ Summary.xlsx - Excel file containing the metrics (such as train|val|test loss|accuracy, precision, recall, etc) for the 5 models that I have built

➡️ static and templates - Flask uses these folder to serve static files, store uploaded images & render HTML pages.

Steps to run the application

  • Clone the repo.
  • Download the model from the link given above.
  • Make sure your folder structure is as follows:
resnet152v2_model_folder (Download it from above link)
  • Within this directory, install the dependencies using the command: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Within this directory, run the following command to start the server: flask --app app run
  • Navigate to localhost:5000 to access the web application.
  • You can use the following images for testing: Normal Chest X-Ray Pneumonia Chest X-Ray


Home Page:

Home Page

Upload Normal Chest X-Ray image (before prediction):

Home Page - Upload Image

Diagnosis Results for Normal Chest X-Ray:

Normal Diagnosis page

Diagnosis Results for Pneumonia Chest X-Ray:

Pneumonia Diagnosis page

Error message for grayscale image:

(Some images which you download from the internet, or kaggle dataset are grayscale images and they do not contain 3 color channels. This model specifically required 3 color channels for inference.) Error on uploading grayscale image