
Extracts the historic word occurrence of a search term in academic papers

Primary LanguagePython

Historic word occurrence in academic papers


This script extracts the historic word occurrence of a search term in academic papers (from Google Scholar). It allows for spotting trends in research and analyzing the relevance of a topic over time.

There is a Python 3 branch (master) and a Python 2 branch (python2).


python extract_occurrences.py '<keyword>' <start date> <end date>

This command lists the number of publications for every year using this keyword. The script just searches for articles and excludes patents and citations.


  • Search term: 'bitcoin'
  • Desired time span: 2000 to 2015
  • Command: python extract_occurrences.py 'bitcoin' 2000 2015
  • Output: out.csv, with the following contents:
year results
... ...
2011 141
2012 292
2013 889
2014 2370
2015 2580

bitcoin chart


Created by Volker Strobel - volker.strobel87@gmail.com

If you use this code in academic papers, please cite this repository via Zenodo (http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1218409):

Volker Strobel. (2018, April 14). Pold87/academic-keyword-occurrence: First release (Version v1.0.0). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1218409