Fampay-Assignment (Youtube Latest Videos API)

A backend service that fetches youtube videos on cricket uploaded in last 10 minutes

Currently I have added 3 API keys, so that even if search quota in one key exceeds other key will do the job.


Live Demo 👈️

API Reference

Get videos 👉️ Live Demo

  GET /videos
Parameter Type Description Live Demo
search string query to search in the database /?search=kohli
limit number number of records to fetch /?limit=2
offset number number of records to skip /?offset=2


  • A GET API which returns the stored video data in a paginated response sorted in descending order of published datetime.
  • A basic search API to search the stored videos using their title and description.
  • Dockerized the project.
  • Support for supplying multiple API keys so that if quota is exhausted on one, it automatically uses the next available key.
  • Dashboard (Work in progress in Next.js), till than Django admin could be used with username: admin, and, password: admin
  • It is able to search videos containing partial match for the search query in either video title or description.
    • Ex 1: A video with title IND vs PAK Match, High Voltage Inning matches for the search query match inning


Clone the repo

  git clone https://github.com/yogesh-hackx/fampay-assignment

Go to project directory and run

  sudo docker compose up

when project completely boots up and is running, open another terminal in the project root and run:

  sudo docker compose exec web python manage.py createsuperuser

Create credentials for django-admin, then login to django-admin, and add API keys