
Send friend requests, get friends suggestions until 2 degrees and make friends.

Primary LanguagePython

Steps to run project locally

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all the dependencies.
  3. Run python manage.py runserver to start the server.
  4. Superuser credentials are yogesh and yogesh.
  5. Then go to to view the project is running.

API endpoints

  • POST /api/create_user/ - Create a new user
  • POST /api/login_user/ - Login a user
  • GET /api/user/{user_id} - Get user details
  • POST /api/add/{sender_id}/{receiver_id} - Send a friend request/ Accept a friend request
  • GET /api/friends/{user_id} - Get all friends of a user
  • GET /api/friend_requests/{user_id} - Get all received friend requests of a user
  • GET /api/suggestions/{user_id} - Get all suggestions for a user until 2 degrees of friends